Hello Damian,

It is a rainy , dark day with just a slightly spuradic shower here and there . I guess there is no playing outside for you today . It is most definitely a day for watching movies ( Up! was your favorite ) and maybe getting in a nap or two . I have to go out later to pick up your Auntie Cherokee from school either for Drivers Ed. or Drama . I know I am horrible for not remembering but I have so many things to pick her up from and it changes from day to day , even though she gave me a schedule . Well , It was Drama but she will have to stop Drama to take Drivers Ed. so I don't rightly know which one it is today . She doesn't all ways tell me before she walks out the door in the morning . Giggle . Well the showers have now changed to a steady rain . There is a cool front moving in and they say it will be bringing some pretty strong weather but you never can tell til it arrives . I am still working on the spear room . Guest room or office? Who can tell .That I am afraid I wont know til it is finished . I love you little man you are always in my thoughts ...
Always , Meme
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