Letters to my Grandson Damian Nichter. I just found out that his dad has taken him and is keeping him away from us. But I am not going to let that stop me from reaching out to him , And these letters are for him so he will know we love him and miss him greatly very much.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Good morning little man , I hope you are well , I miss you deeply and my heart just breaks when I see things that remind me of you . I fear you don't even know who I am . But maybe one day you we be reminded .
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Hey buddy I thought of you all day today . I bet your mommy was really sad. I know see misses you .
I do. I hope the Easter Bunny came to visit you . We love you dearly .
Son, i am very happy for you. You have a wonderful woman and a beautiful baby boy.I know you will be a good father to him. I hope to be able to at least see pictures of my grandson growing up here. I wish that someday we might be able to get together and try to patch the distance between us. Love, Your real Father.
Damian Nathanial Lynn Nichter was born December 26th, 2008 @ 5:57 a.m. He weighted 7 lbs. 6 ozs. 21" long. He did extremely well thru the pregancy, labor, and delivery. He is the best baby in the world. Hardly ever crys unless something is wrong. I'm so happy he is finally here and can't wait for him to start moving and talking! He is my love. my heart, and lastly my life. I LOVE HIM MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF AND WILL DO ANYTHING TO MAKE HIM HAPPY!!!!
I'm happy for you & Brandi, I'm glad the baby is doing so well.
NOW.... Post some pictures so we can see him!!!
Take care !