Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Letter to Damian

Hello my Darling boy ,
Pawpaw and the 2255 Oliver
 I hope this finds you well . Pawpaw John's mom has finally arrived from the hospital . I am happy for her to not be in that place any more . I know she is happy too .  I miss you Damian .. I know we all do . I hope you are being taken care of like you should be .I hope you are getting all the hugs and kisses you deserve . I am sure you are it would kill me to think other wise . I long for the day when you can be here visiting us . I know Pawpaw needs you to ride the Oliver tractor  with him ,you liked doing that so much . Being at the shop with him climbing in and out of all the big trucks and tractors . 
              Love Always Meme......

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Letter to Damian

Letter to Damian

Letter to Damian

Hey D,
 Meme is very sad today . I have gotten some really scary news and I hope it all turns out for the best . I had a mammogram done last week and I just got the call back yesterday . The nurse told me they found something.... something gray and blurry .I have to back to the hospital Next Thursday at 8:45 am . I asked the nurse is there any way we can get the ultrasound before than because Pawpaw John's mom is coming to stay with us so I can take care of her and the nurse said" we tried to find one earlier , but that is the only time ". I am scared Damian . What if we never get to see each other again ? Will you ever get to know me as your grandmother or will I be a tiny memory ? Like a dream to you .My heart breaks for that . I have missed so many great things in my 40 years here on this planet ,and it breaks for thing I may miss . You are the first .I love your mommy and her sisters very much but having the pleasure of spending time with you when you where a baby up to know with all the nastiness between your mommy and daddy . Breaks my heart .  I sent this to your grandma Regina asking her to talk to your daddy for me . I don't know if she will but like I said I will keep trying .                     Love , Meme
(Regina I have been trying and trying . I recently had a mammogram and I was told that there is something and I have to now have farther test done to see what is going on . I have an ultrasound coming up and I am telling you this because I don't know what is going to happen next and I am asking you to talk to Joe ,Let Damian know me before its to late for us to be a family . The kids have to go through what they must . I ask to let me be in Damian's life .)


Monday, January 9, 2012

Letter to Damian

Hey there little man I got this picture from your mom.

This is your mom when she came to see you at Christmas time and for your 3rd Birthday.
When no one would let you see her she was there . It makes me so angry when I think of they treat her. She loves you very much as do the rest of us . We think of you every day Damian . 
Love  Always Meme.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Letter to Damian

Hello my Darling boy ,
I hope you are well today. It has been really cold the last few days . I hope you had a wonderful Christmas . We have presents here for you , your Mommy tried to bring them to you when she was here but well your Daddy's family wouldn't let your Mommy see you when she was here . I think that was a really horrible thing to do . But what can I do ? I tried to reach your Grandma Regina at least once a week but she never answers here messages . We think about you all the time , and love you very very much .
                          Love  Always Meme,