Thursday, September 3, 2015

My darling boy ,

Hello my dearest boy , 

     Another  school year is here for you . I am not sure what grade you are in now  I am ashamed to say .  The 1st or 2nd .I guess that comes with not knowing where you are  being forced to be absent in ones life .But , I have always had an issue with memories . Short term that is . Well , I choose not to remember  much , much , much of my youth for it was how can I say this with out sounding crass ? Hmm it , Sucked ! Pretty much . I only hope your childhood is better .  Alas , I am still at times trying to get over it  . But enough about me for now  .Oh , how I miss you  little man . The days have turned into weeks ,the weeks have turned into months and the months have turned into years and time continues to pass, I can only hope that I will get to know you before I am too old to play  . It is now going on 4 years since we have seen your smiling face in our home  .Playing with the animals . I don't have anyone to watch cartoons with ( Yes, I still watch cartoons ) and to this day I can not watch "Up" to save my  life , because that was your favorite .  We have your little red tricycle it is hanging in the building  . I think you got to play with it a few days before you were taking away from us . Before your other Grandma came and took you crying from my arms . I still have night mares about that . Your Father could not even come and get you his self he sent his mother and his sister to take you from me . And he hides you from us , like we are villains , not letting us be a part of your life . Little does he know (unless I die first )which I hope to live a long vibrant life  . I will see you again . I know in my heart of hearts I will see you again .  My Goddess will make sure of that little one.  
Although you  are getting bigger with every passing day and learning more . I only hope you are happy and you are being loved enough . We are here for you Damian and we love you dearly that will never change .  Peace go with you my little angel .Sweet Dreams , Happy Dream , Pleasant Dreams We Love you  dearly , Good night . 

                                                      Sweet dreams little man